In the modern world, according to statistical studies, a large number of men are not satisfied with the shape and size of the penis that nature has given them. Some calmly accept this fact, continue to live their normal lives, without obsessing. And for others, this becomes the reason for the development of a real complex of doubts, of one's own strengths. It seems to a man that he is not capable of satisfying a woman in bed. Dissatisfaction with oneself leads to the fact that a man begins to be interested in the question: how to increase the head of the penis at home. There are various methods that help to solve such a sensitive issue: surgical, medical, massage of the head of the penis, therapeutic exercises.

anatomical structure
The possibility of enlarging the glans with the help of doctors or at home is closely related to its structure. The head of the penis is a mushroom-shaped, cylindrical or conical thickening, consisting of spongy spongy tissues. Even during an erection, it remains quite elastic, smooth, unlike the trunk.
This is the most sensitive part of the manhood as it contains many nerve endings. There are also special glands that secrete lubricant, making it easier to slip during sex.
Due to the ability to remain soft during an erection, this part of the penis serves as a kind of buffer between the delicate tissues of the female genital organs and the hard tissues of the erect member. All techniques, including massage of the head of the penis, performed at home, designed to increase its size, are based on the listed anatomical features.
Methods that require the intervention of specialists.
To date, there are two ways to increase the size of the head, carried out by doctors:
- Surgical: with the introduction into the spongy tissues of an implant similar to that used by women for breast augmentation, or the implantation in the spongy tissues of a matrix covered with the patient's blood cells. Over time, the male's own cells completely cover the matrix.
- Injectable: enlargement of the glans penis with a gel based on hyaluronic acid.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which way to increase "male dignity" is better for a particular person: a matrix or an acid, a qualified specialist will tell you. But still, do not rush to immediately hand over your penis to surgeons. It is worth trying to increase the unsatisfactory part of the genital organ without surgical intervention, for example, doing a daily massage of the head of the penis or a complex of physiotherapy exercises. It will take more time, patience, but there will be no health risk.
Change in size without the intervention of surgeons
If a man is not satisfied with the diameter of the head, but he is still afraid of it or it is unaffordable for surgeons to increase its volume, he can use massagers, special exercises that are performed at home.
To enlarge this part of the penis at home, the most used extenders and vacuum pumps. There are three types of extenders:
- Take advantage of.
- Belt.
- Vacuum adhesive.
The latter are among the latest devices that massage the head of the penis and the trunk. They appeared on the market a few years ago, the most comfortable for home use. The impact on the penis with these devices is evenly distributed. With its help, it is possible to increase the size of the entire penis.

The vacuum pump, in turn, does not have all the advantages listed above, but it has one big advantage - the result of its use is immediately noticeable. Also, massaging the head of the penis with pomp improves blood circulation. It helps not only to increase the size of the penis at home, but also to improve the erection by saturating the tissues with oxygen. In addition to the use of devices, it is possible to increase the part of the penis with the help of a special set of exercises.
When you are wondering how to enlarge the penis head, you should use the safest way first. Do specialized exercises regularly. The complex is quite simple, every day it will take no more than half an hour:
- The so-called "penis milking". The essence of execution: the erect organ is firmly squeezed with the palm of the hand at its base and gently raised. Thanks to this action, blood flow increases, which helps to increase the diameter of the head of the penis.
- The second exercise to help enlarge this part of the penis is to squeeze the shaft for as long as it reaches maximum hardness. After receiving the desired result, immediately release the penis. By squeezing and loosening the organ in this way, you can not only increase it, but also improve the erection.
- The final stage of physiotherapy, designed to increase the sexual organ, is a simple and very effective exercise. It is necessary to sit on a chair, open your knees, put your feet on the floor. In this position, take the reproductive organ at the base, hit the hips alternately. The main thing is not to get too carried away. The blows should be quite sharp, but, at the same time, they should not cause discomfort. The sexual organ must be relaxed, without erection.
Patting hardens the head, helping to increase its size. Thus, the sensitivity of the organ decreases, which accordingly affects the duration of sexual intercourse and allows you to get more enchanting sensations during orgasm.
It is better to perform therapeutic exercises in home conditions, using special creams. If the cream was not at hand, you can take a simple Vaseline or massage oil. Regularity is the key to results. Performing these simple exercises constantly, after a month you will be able to obtain visible results. In conclusion, I would like to say: dear men, do not invent problems that you do not have! After all, the main thing is not the size, but the quality of intercourse. Try something new, experiment, everything will be great.